In preparation for the house and garage to be demolished, we invited Habitat for Humanity to come in and take everything they wanted. They came early on a Saturday morning:
and came back the next day to take all the metal off the garage:
Then things quieted down for a few days, at least over at the property. At home, we were preparing for Michael to leave on his mission. We said goodbye on Wednesday January 25th:
A friend said, "It's like putting your heart on legs and watching it walk away." So very true. But I wouldn't have him anyplace else--he will grow up while he is gone--and learn some very important lessons about life, other people, God, and himself. And when he comes home, it will to a new house!
From that day until now, emotions have been running high. Joe and Rob had to let off some steam by taking their turn inside the little old house:
Using paintball guns, a hatchet, knives, screwdrivers and baseball bats they did what boys do best: DESTROY. ("Mom, you have to post the video." Me: "I don't think any of my friends would want to watch it...")
And today, destroy was the keyword as the little old house came down:
This machine was like a big monster! The sheer power was amazing to me and I took way too many pictures. It took about an hour to go from this:
to this:
and that was a teeny, tiny bit sad. Someone made a lot of memories in that house. Some of the neighbor kids sat on the fence and watched. Goodbye, little old house!